We are fundraising to support tea plantation workers in Assam, India
In Assam, India tea pluckers, most of whom are women, are suffering from the current lockdown and earn only half of their salaries. Weekly markets where they source their fresh foods are closed.
As you can imagine, during the period of this crisis, families often can’t afford even basic foods. Nutrition security for pregnant women and children in the family is already compromised- many women are anaemic and children are not growing to their full potential- they need nutritious foods to build and maintain their health. Tea families need better access to affordable healthy foods like vegetables, lentils and oil fortified with micronutrients. You can help them!
Through our retail channel partners in Assam we are setting up sustainable and regular supplies of essential and healthy foods to the tea workers, during this crisis and beyond.
Call to action
We need your urgent contribution to reduce the cost of nutritious foods for pregnant women and children in Assam tea estates. For every 10$ of your support, we can provide fortified cooking oil, milk, soy protein, lentils and hand soap for one month for one family and help set up a distribution channel that can last for years to come.
#GivingTuesdayNow with @GAINalliance
Make a donation to help GAIN reach more people during COVID-19. Your contribution will make a big difference in their lives!